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Sunday Morning Painting

It’s been awhile since I sat at my art table. It’s been a difficult few weeks. I learned of a new diagnosis as to the reason my legs swell. There’s no cure. But eating less carbs and mostly eat fruit and veggies will help maintain my health.

This morning I organized my snacks and put some in containers to have for this week. I’m also going to make my lunch for tomorrow before the end of the day.

I took another job something to make extra money on the side. I’m hoping it will be full time at some point. I get to work from home with this job. Yeah.

I want to return to painting and reorganize my Etsy shop which I closed. I won’t reopen it until I paint consistently.

New Paintings

Here’s what I have been painting lately. It starts as a scribble on canvas then I make it into an image. Flowers tend to be my topic.

Happy Day
