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“it’s impossible to dream if you never rest.” Ashley Hetherington

I have been working non-stop. Usually there’s a client scheduled daily. Some days there are’s 10 clients other days there could be 6 or 2 clients.

This week I don’t have nearly as many clients scheduled. Sometimes the summer causes people to not schedule counseling sessions because of vacations or they feel better.

I’m not worried about getting my schedule filled. But I worry about not bringing in my normal amount for my paycheck.

I am worried about money.

Spiritual Journey

For the past 2 weeks I have been reading my Bible, and have written down prayers on a card, and have been writing in a journal.

My prayer is about “saving money, having an abundance of money saved.”

The scripture I chose for this prayer is

“And do not seek what you are to eat, and what you are to drink, not be worried…your father knows that you need them. Instead seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” LK 12:29-31

Jesus is Good!

I sent an email to question why I am not getting new clients. It’s starting to worry me. I prayed to get new clients. Then I went back to sleep. (Yes, I woke up in the middle of the night).

Then this morning I opened my YouTube notification from Ashley Hetherington who is a Christian spiritual believer. Her post was perfect. It was a message I needed. God knows I need to rest. He knows I have been working non-stop. He knows this is best for me.

Message Received

He wants me to rest. In order to dream I need rest. I have been tired. Sometimes I’m so tired, it’s hard to stay alert tor my clients. He wants me to rest and not worryng about finances or filling my schedule.

The Dream

After I read that post, I fell asleep again. My dream was about asking for a time off, setting my alarm to get up for the plane. And going to Ft Myers on a solo trip to rest.

He listens

God really does listen. He didn’t give me a billion dollars. But he sent this message to me through a person he trusts and knew I would connect the dots. He’s saying you don’t need to work you need rest. So rest is what I’m giving you.

So I will rest


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Another Meditation Scribble Drawing

Yogi Tea Quote

If you do anything out of sheer compassion, you will never be wrong.

Yogi tea

I started this month with an exercise plan and would later incorporate time for my art making.

Well some things have changed. But I have started back on my exercises and made an intention to draw a few minutes each night.

Here’s My Drawing for Tonight


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String of Pearls Drawing

Meditation with Drawing

It’s been difficult the last few days. I have been drained and just couldn’t keep up with what I needed to do.

So I decided to do a small drawing for meditation.


  • Color pencils
  • Marking pen
  • Paper
  • Ruler
  • Cutter or scissors

I started with a scribble, then colored the shapes in with colored pencils. Afterwards I added details in the shapes and around the shapes with a black pen.

YouTube Video


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#1 mandala

I am challenging myself to draw/doodle a mandala. Mandalas help to decrease anxiety and stress. I want to try to draw 30 mandalas. I know I will not do them daily and that’s not the point.

This is done with a black pen. Sometimes I like to keep more open spaces in my doodles.

I have been stressed with deciding if I leave my job. I decided to stay as I really want to work remotely. I don’t think at this time with the world events I should work from home. I feel more people will want office visits to keep human contact.

I also was stressed about life. I realized that I’m trying to be happy through a job, but it’s a job I’m no longer feeling fulfilled at.

Peace. Let’s pray for Ukraine.

Happy Day


meditation · mindfulness · minimalism · simple life · spiritual

Morning Solitude

“The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment.”


This morning is a solitude morning. Quiet again. It is below zero wind chill and the cold really does go through your clothes. The house constantly is heated. I had to put blankets at the bottom of my doors to keep the cold out and the heat in. The windows also have towels along the window sill for the same reason.

I started my morning with hot tea and breakfast. It appears today will be a slow quiet day. I am hoping it will be that way for the entire day, as I will have to go into the office later.

Meditative Thinking

These slow quiet days allow me to think about what I want and to dream about it. The one thing I really want is to have a small house in the country and be able to work from home. I have not decided if I want to work from home at this time, or if I will wait another few years and do it. I need to also decide if I want to stay in my field. Working as a counselor for over ten years has been rewarding, but it is intense and quit frankly I am getting a burn out from the codependent needs and anger that comes through the office.

Meditative Goals

I dream of a holistic business, selling lotions, fragrances, candles, art, yoga and meditation items. I dream of providing coaching to improve the overall health. I want people to see the beauty and magic life can bring them. I want beauty around me and soft fabrics and warm colors and simple pleasures at work and at my home. I dream of a business with love and respect. I dream of peace and not having to worry about money and needing to worry about liability issues. I dream of a change for me.

Happy Day


autoimmune · meditation · mindfulness · minimalism · simple life

Today’s Meals

Today is cold with 12 inches of snow outside. The day might be a work from home day. Most of my clients are having their session by video. I’m waiting on one client to let me know what she wants.

I have not been doing yoga much lately. I started a yoga challenge with Yoga with Kassandra. The challenge is a 15 min yoga stretch and then a 5 min meditation.

I have energy after that!

Smoothie recipe

I had a fruit smoothie with blueberries, banana, dairy free yogurt and protein powder. Put all in a blender with almond milk.

Then I toasted a bagel and spread dairy free chive cream cheese from kite hill on it.

Breakfast photo

If course I needed a little chocolate, so I have 2 squares of enjoy life chocolate bar.

To make life a little easier, preparing for dinner early is the best thing to do for myself. After the client sessions, I’m exhausted mentally and physically my body is swollen from sitting most of the day.

I boiled frozen broccoli florets. That will be for the salad for dinner.

I also cleared out the refrigerator. I froze the fruit I had in there before it goes bad. That is the fruit I use for smoothies.


I have the urge for chocolate brownies. The recipe is on the back of King Arthur gluten free measure for measure flour.


Grilled chicken breast, rice, avocado and lemon dressing (Paul Newman’s salad dressing- lemon basil)

Happy Day


art · art journal · art studio · art therapy · meditation

Night #2 of Intuitive Painting

My latest painting is about painting intuitively. But I am using this technique to help release my suppressed feelings as I go through harrassment and bullying from neighbors. I do not deserve to be bullied and have not deliberately done anything for neighbors to feel revengeful.

Last night I left the canvas looking like this, only painted the top of the canvas. I couldn’t paint the bottom, it was like my head could only see one part of the canvas. Look at the colors and the markings are forceful on the canvas.

Tonight this is where the painting ended:

So what’s the difference between the two days. Certainly, I painted on the entire canvas.

Yesterday was emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. It was an unless day on top of an endless week. It’s difficult to live in a community where neighbors cause safety concerns because they don’t like someone or they feel they are entitled to what they want. I had much anger suppressed in my body throughout the last week. But really it’s been there longer. However the fear is causing more harm to me. This harrassment and bullying has been going on for the entire summer. Stop the bullying, stop the harrassment.

Today, it was a calm relaxing day. I was able to cross stitch, took a nap, cleaned my refrigerator and made a fresh batch of cold green tea for the week. I did yoga and meditation before I painted this evening, it was a 10 minute evening yoga.

Here’s some close up photos of tonight’s painting.

I’ll continue to post my intuitive painting. I will be focusing back into my art for the Etsy shop this week. I’m almost finished with another ear warmer.

Happy Day


Etsy shop: Https://

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A Day of Rest

Today is my day off of work. I’m in need of a little rest. Unfortunately, the late afternoon I will need to go to the store. Have to look for sheds and a tree to plant.

Morning, I take my time getting up. Feed the cats and dog. Take the dog for a little walk. Have my hot tea with Goji berries in it (helps immune system and fights inflammation). Sometimes a few knitting stitches might get done. Sometimes I’ll lay down again.

Then off to my studio where I have my yoga mat. Usually a 15 minute yoga practice for the morning is my choice. Just enough to wake my body up.

After a walk with my dog, I’ll make a smoothie.

This morning a fruit smoothie sounded delicious.

When I buy fresh fruits, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and bananas, sometimes I’ll put them in the freezer to save before they spoil.

(bananas need to be cut in small slices, set on a cookie sheet and put in freezer for a few hours or overnight. Then transfer to a freezer bag.)

Fruit smoothie

  • 2/3 cup of frozen berries
  • 1 whole banana
  • 1 tablespoon flax seed
  • 1/2 cup or more pineapple juice

Put all in the blender. Pour in a glass. Enjoy.

Today is the start of me using a water bottle with times on it. It helps to remember to drink water throughout the day and ensures you get the amount you need.

I have Edema in my legs. The swelling and inflammation is causing it. The blood tests do not show it’s from other organs complicating anything. Unfortunately I hold onto water fluid especially in the summer. But it’s the entire year I have this. I wear compression socks in the fall and winter. But it’s too hot in the spring and summer to wear them. Part of the problem with Edema is water fluid is from actually not having enough water, so the body holds onto it. (Unless you have congested heart disease etc) please I’m not a doctor so follow what your doctor’s recommends.

Here’s my water bottle.

I spent some time in the studio this morning. All the 8″x8″ canvases has the first coat of paint on it.

It’s lunch time… I’m not very hungry. Lunch will consist of rice cakes-salt free, peanut butter, banana , and water

I ended up with a headache. Could be a sign of a storm coming.

I’m now on the sofa, going to take a nap. And do some knitting for the remainder of the day.

I took out frozen gluten free barbeque chicken I made a few weeks ago…that will be dinner with a salad.

Just never know when chronic illness and rheumatoid arthritis changes things on you.

Happy Day
