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More on The Creative Cure

“…ask yourself what you can do to get creative with your creativity.” Pg 131

Chapter 6 has some great thoughts about creating a space to be creative.

  • Space-what is your space like? friendly? Declutter needed? Music? Lighting? Color of room, books, artwork, plants, rugs etc
  • Time– time of day, “honor this time as scared and let those around you know that you won’t be available.”
  • Ritual-“…transform ordinary moments into focused, sacred time that builds meaning and honors the inner creative self.” Mark beginning and end of your creative time. (List of ideas are included on page 140)

He wrote about forming a creative group which would be a support for each other, allow time to be creative together, trade ideas, help each other and be accountable for the creative work.

On page 134, Jacob Nordby shares an exercise, that includes a few good questions.

  • What creative practice would bring more joy into your life? There’s a list on page 128-129 that is helpful to answer this question.

My answer: sewing and textile art, knitting and crochet, painting, growing a small business

  • What is the smallest habit that could bring me toward this practice?

My answer: Experiment with painting techniques, find new knitting stitches to learn, learn more about weaving and start gathering supplies to make a quilt and/or dolls.

This was my favorite topic to read in this book. Very helpful.

Two more chapters to read, more posts to come about this book.

Happy Day
